
A winning combination of three Essential Oils and Medium Chain Fatty Acids!

Dufa-Digest is a new feed additive in our DufaMix product portfolio!

Dufa-Digest has a positive effect on the digestion of all poultry species. It stimulates the secretion of key digestive enzymes including lipase, amylase and trypsin and it will attack the cell wall of bacteria, making their cell wall more permeable, disrupting cell function and depleting cell energy reserves. The combination of essential oils and MCFA’s has also an antibacterial effect and contributes to energy for the enterocytes of intestinal cells.

Research shows that there’s a synergetic effect when combining essential oils with MCFA’s. This combination will result in a reduced growth of bacteria, a better digestion, a more balanced intestinal microbiota and an improvement in feed efficiency. Trials in broiler farms show a higher slaughter weight and for laying hens a better overall health has been observed.

For more technical information including trial results to show this synergetic combination: download our productflyer or productsheet.

Questions? Please contact our sales managers (sales@dutchfarmint.com) or nutrition team (nutrition@dutchfarmint.com).

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