Dufamec-P Horsewormer

The vast majority of horses are affected by parasites and they can cause serious problems in their body. When the presence of parasites is low they may cause only minor problems, but if moderate or more consistent, major problems will arise. Parasites can severely affect the horses’ general health and this can result in the appearance and persistence of colic, poor body condition, illness and/or general unthriftiness. Other disruptions could occur over a long-term period, such as injuries of the gastrointestinal tract and of other internal organs. For these reasons it is very important to treat the horse at the correct intervals, using the right horse de-wormer!

Dufamec-P Horsewormer is an antiparasitic product based on a combination of ivermectin and praziquantel.

Ivermectin is a broad spectrum anthelmintic for the control of a wide variety of endo- and ectoparasites. It kills and controls about 43 species of parasites. The red worms, blood worms, heartworms, roundworms, pinworms, stomach worms, hairworms, lungworms and flies (i.e. horse bots) can be successfully combated with ivermectin. It blocks the nerve transmission and provokes paralysis of the parasite so that it cannot consume nutrients anymore and becomes unable to keep its position inside the horse’s body. As a consequence, the parasite will be expelled along with the horse’s manure. Ivermectin is not active against tapeworms and this is why Dufamec-P Horsewormer also contains praziquantel as a second active ingredient.

Praziquantel is effective against tapeworms and it acts by disrupting the worms’ outer layer. It makes the parasite incapable to maintain a body optimal fluids – and electrolytes balance. This dual action guarantees the most effective treatment!

What is the best moment for deworming horses? The advice is to treat in spring and in the late autumn or early winter. Because of the particularities of every individual horse, performing the FEC (faecal egg count) test is a very good tool. The FEC test will show the count of parasite eggs per gram of faeces and gives a risk indication. Based on this indication, an individual deworming program can be started. If a FEC test is not available, minimal action is deworming the horse in spring and in the late autumn or early winter. Dufamec-P Horsewormer can be used in spring and in the late autumn or early winter because of the dual action generated by the two components.

More information? Ask our specialists and e-mail to: sales@dutchfarmint.com

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